Nielsen: Australian podcast listenership grows 16%

By AdNews | 30 September 2024
Credit: Juja Han

Australian audiences of podcasts grew 16% in the year to June, according to Nielsen’s latest Advanced Audiences data   powered by Consumer & Media View (CMV).

Australia’s 60-and-above audience accounted for 757,000 of Australia’s podcast listeners in 2023, but as of July 2024, that jumped to 1.125 million, a 49% increase over last year's figures.

The number of female listeners over the age of 55 also increased by 52% in the last 12 months.

When it comes to content, comedy attracts 41% of all podcast listeners in Australia. Close behind is society and culture, with 38% of listeners, followed by true crime (27%), news and politics (25%), then Sports and Recreation (21%).

Australia’s female listeners make up the majority of true crime, society and culture listeners, with males preferring sport, recreation, and business content.

While 46% of Australia’s podcast listeners say they listen to podcasts to be entertained, 36% consume the format to be informed, with an additional 29% saying they listen to be educated. Nielsen (CMV) data also shows one third of podcast listeners consume the medium between 9am and 5pm.

14% of Australia’s 9.6 million podcast listeners also have a household income of $200k and above, according to Nielsen.

Nielsen’s Pacific head of advanced analytics, Glenn Channell, said: as podcast listenership continues to grow across demographics and genres, these insights reflect the evolving preferences and behaviours of Australian audiences.

"This reinforces podcasts’ position as one of the best ways to connect brands with consumers."

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