News Corp wins UnLtd's Open Brisbane

By AdNews | 13 June 2023
Team UM at UnLtd's Open Brisbane.

More than 100 people across the Brisbane advertising industry swung for good at the second annual UnLtd Open golf competition to raise funds for the work that UnLtd do supporting charities helping young people at risk.

Held at The Brisbane Golf Club, the golfers were treated to plenty of surprises along the 18 holes, with music, snacks and competitions organised by the hole sponsors along the course. Golfers also had a chance to donate for a professional golfer, Lawry Flynn, to take their drive at the oOh!media hole, to raise funds for UnLtd.

Brisbane group shot

Brisbane group shot.

Elise Taylor, group commercial director - enterprise at oOh!media, said she is so proud to support UnLtd Open and help bring the industry together for good.

"It was a fantastic day of golf, laughter, connecting with peers and most importantly, raising awareness and funds for young people at risk," Taylor said. "We can’t wait for next year’s event!"

The competition, open to all levels of golfers, was played in Ambrose style with dentsu taking third place, JCDecaux second and News Corp securing the winning spot with only a few points’ difference.

Winners News Corp

Winning team, News Corp.

Aaron Nye, group sales director at News Corp Brisbane, said his team was very proud to take home the UnLtd Open trophy.

"More importantly, however, we are proud to have been part of an event that brought our industry together and helped make a positive impact on the lives of young people at risk," Nye said.

Kim Murridge, Gary Heard, Adam Edgar, Anthea Gaffney, Tim Harper Russell and Matt Leadbeater were the winners of the longest drive and nearest to the pin competitions. The best dressed winners of Val Morgan’s fashions on the fairway competition were Scarlett Blackwood from UM and Angus McLeod from OMD.

Team OMD

Pictured right - best dressed winner, Angus McLeod from OMD.

The guests also heard from UnLtd’s Brisbane-based charity partner The Pyjama Foundation about the realities children in foster care face and the positive impact our industry is having on charities helping children and young people at risk.

Chris Freel, CEO of UnLtd, thanked the Brisbane advertising industry coming together to support this event.

"Thank you to our sponsor oOh!media, our hole sponsors and everyone who joined us to play and make a big difference for young people at risk," Freel said.

"The positive impact generated from the Brisbane market is really growing and we can’t wait to see it grow even further with our new GM Emma Davis joining us in July.”

The next UnLtd Brisbane event is the UnLtd Big Shot Netball event on 31 August.

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