News Corp unveils publishing team for Free News & Lifestyle

By AdNews | 3 September 2024
L-R: Ryan Hedditch, Meagan Gray, Pippa Leary, Nitin Goel, Georgi Pell, Paul Blackburn. 

News Corp Australia’s newly formed Free News & Lifestyle business unit has unveiled its publishing team.

The division, led by MD and publisher Pippa Leary, encompasses, as well as lifestyle sites such as Escape, and Body+Soul.

GM of group strategy, Nitin Goel, takes on the newly created role of GM of audience, product and marketing. He will lead the strategy to convert audience engagement into client outcomes.

Head of ad product and strategy, Ryan Hedditch, has been promoted to GM of commercial video and audio. He will define ad client product strategies in order to continue driving profitable growth for video, native, display and audio.

GM of partnerships, Georgi Pell, has been appointed to the new position of GM of client commercial. She will drive optimisation across the suite of Free News & Lifestyle brands, planning and prioritising client revenue growth.

Director of commercial data, video and product, Paul Blackburn, takes on the new role of director of commercial data and e-commerce. He will work on the strategic commercialisation of data assets through products and partnerships as well as drive the e-commerce strategy.

Rounding out the leadership team is Meagan Gray, who has accepted the newly established role of head of commercial product. She will lead the prioritisation, roadmap development and delivery of portfolio initiatives and lead client product delivery.

Leary said the new team brings together the leading experts in the Australian publishing, video and e-commerce space.

"It reflects our strategic focus to drive both user engagement at scale and strong client outcomes across our suite of properties," she said.

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