News Corp union member journalists vote to accept pay deal

By AdNews | 29 May 2024
Credit: Element5 Digital via Unsplash

A majority of MEAA (Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance) union members at News Corp have voted to accept an offer that will roll over the Enterprise Bargaining Agreement for 12 months with a pay rise of 3.5%.

MEAA members voted at union meetings across the country and online to adopt the 3.5% pay rise, which will soon be put to a formal vote of endorsement by all News Corp staff.

News Corp declined to comment.

In the last 12 months, MEAA members at Are Media secured a major pay rise and significant upgrades to many of their conditions, including annual grading reviews and caregiver leave, while rejecting an offer from Nine Entertainment to journalists for a new enterprise agreement, saying management put forward a deal that was "well below the rate of inflation".

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