News Corp cuts journalists

Jason Pollock
By Jason Pollock | 20 April 2023
Mantas Hesthaven via Unsplash.

News Corp has cut 23 editorial roles across metro, regional and community news titles, according to the journalists' union, the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA).

The MEAA said the redundancies came following an international directive to shed staff and appease shareholders, with regional and local mastheads taking on the brunt of the cuts.

"MEAA delegates are advocating on behalf of members, to ensure that all redundancies are genuine and paid fairly, and that members are treated with the respect they deserve," said the union.

News Corp in February announced a plan to cut 5% of its headcount in 2023, expecting to generate an annualised cost savings of at least $130 million.

The media group has been contacted for comment.

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