Mutinex launches Marketers and Money conference

By AdNews | 21 June 2024
Henry Innis.

Marketing mix modelling platform Mutinex has launched the Marketers and Money conference, designed to empower senior marketers to speak the language of the C-Suite when it comes to marketing results.

Mutinex CEO APAC Mat Baxter said there are plenty of CMOs that decry their loss of a seat at the executive table.

"The simple truth is the only way to reclaim it is by being able to prove marketing’s effect on commercial performance. And that’s the business we’re in," Baxter said.

Held on August 1 in Sydney, the invitation-only event will see a range of speakers including CEO and MD of Dominos Enterprises, Don Meij, alongside Brent Smart (CMO, Telstra) and panellists such as Anathea Ruys (CEO, UM Australia) and Melissa Hopkins (chief marketing and audience officer, Seven Network).

The event will cover topics such as how to turn creativity into financial impact, how agencies and marketers can leverage measurement for better media negotiations and how in-housing can impact marketing efficiencies.

Mutinex global CEO and co-founder Henry Innis said the biggest challenge he sees for senior marketers is the gap between what they report and what the C-Suite wants to hear in order to better understand how marketing is actually performing.

"As an industry we need to start talking numerically. Marketers and Money is our contribution to a better standard of conversation around marketing." he said.

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