MullenLowe's Karen Coleman appointed as VaynerMedia country manager

By AdNews | 11 September 2024
Karen Coleman

Karen Coleman has been appointed as country manager of Australia at independent creative and media agency VaynerMedia Asia Pacifc.

Coleman replaces Amy Bradshaw to oversee the agency's ANZ region and reports to Tim Lindley.

Coleman was previously the managing director at 303 MullenLowe. She also spent over 17 years at the Next15 Group.

Lindley said he is proud to welcome Coleman.

"She brings a remarkable energy and passion for the future of our industry, as well as a powerful combination of experience and curiosity,” Lindley said.

“She's full of new ideas to meet the needs of modern consumers and has a sharp commercial mind that will deliver business impact for our clients.

"She has a keen eye for talent, and her commitment to nurturing younger generations is truly inspiring. I have no doubt that under her leadership, VaynerMedia Australia will continue to thrive and grow.”

Coleman said she was drawn to VaynerMedia’s social-at-the-centre thinking.

“The Australian team has already achieved huge success in the past three years, and I couldn’t be joining at a better time. I look forward to leading the agency through its next phase of growth," Coleman said.

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