Most consumers to stick with current media habits

Jason Pollock
By Jason Pollock | 12 December 2022
Jacek Dylag via Unsplash.

YouGov’s latest whitepaper for the media sector has revealed that though global annual penetrations across all media types are almost identical between current and intended behaviour, younger adults appear to present a loyalty challenge for marketers and advertisers. 

The report,The Global Media Landscape – What does the future hold?, combines recent YouGov research in 18 international markets to investigate the future of the media landscape, as well as attitudes to sustainability in advertising. 

YouGov’s stickiness metric (which measures those who claim to have maintained or increased their consumption of each media type in the last 12 months, and are likely to maintain or consume more in the next 12 months) finds those aged 18–24 to be less loyal and less likely to stick with their media choices than older generations.

This is especially so for more traditional media activities such as listening to the radio (77%), reading a newspaper or magazine (82%), and watching live (77%) and non-live TV (74%).

The report says that biggest opportunity for brands and marketers in Australia appears to lie in digital media as well as in-person events, with close to three in ten residents expecting to increase activity over the next 12 months (28% each).

Streaming video (27%), interacting with social media (24%) and watching movies at the theatre (24%) are set to see the next biggest increase in consumption, although the increase in theatregoing is offset markedly as two in five say they will do less of the activity (19%).

Music streaming is also set to see a notable increase, with just under a quarter expecting to do more if it in the next twelve months (23%). 


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