More than half of Australians are likely to remember ads during Women’s World Cup

Jason Pollock
By Jason Pollock | 25 July 2023
Credit: Loewe Technology via Unsplash

Almost all (96%) of Australians say they will watch the advertisements during the Women’s World Cup.

And more than half (57%) say they are likely to remember an ad they saw, according to research from Cint, a software leader in digital insights.

When it comes to ad recall, 48% of Australians said that a catchy song would be top of their list in being able to remember an ad during the Women’s World Cup followed by humour (44%) and having a celebrity/influencer (29%) in the ad.

More than half (55%) of respondents also reported that they would visit the brand’s website if they see an ad that they like.

Free-to-air TV (48%) is the medium by which most respondents said they would watch the Women’s World Cup followed by 19% on streaming services and 14% on YouTube TV.

Facebook (45%) is the most popular social media platform that respondents planned to use to get information about the Women’s World Cup followed by Instagram (29%), TikTok (27%) and Twitter (17%). 41% of Australians also said that they are likely to post about the Women’s World Cup on social media.

The data featured was pulled using the Cint platform and leveraging Cint’s programmatic research tech. About 300 Australian consumers were surveyed for each question.

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