Meet the NGEN Award Finalists – Charlotte Israili & Cassandra Deegan

By AdNews | 12 September 2024
Cassandra Deegan and Charlotte Israili

The MFA’s NGEN Award gives media agency executives with less than five years’ experience the opportunity to create positive impact by using their core skills: strategic thinking, creativity, storytelling and media execution expertise. NGENers were this year invited to respond to a brief for Dress for Success NSW & ACT, with a campaign objective of increasing client numbers across all of the organisation’s services.  

AdNews presents, Meet the NGEN Award Finalists: Charlotte Israili, Communications Manager & Cassandra Deegan, Communications Manager at Match & Wood 

How long have you been in the industry? 

Charlotte: 4 years! 

Cass: Just ticked over three.

What attracted you to working in a media agency? Was this always the plan? 

Charlotte: When I was in university studying creative advertising, I said I would “never be in media” but an internship later and here we are! 

Cass: Studying Arts at university, there (unsurprisingly) really wasn’t a plan! Along with applying for all the typical grad jobs I stumbled across a Communications Executive role on LinkedIn – have stayed ever since! 

What were your greatest lessons from the experience of entering the NGEN Award? 

Charlotte: Less is more and if your mum doesn’t get it, then forget it. 

Cass: Char and I definitely used the Mum rule a few times while putting our response together. Also, the importance of listening super closely to what the client is and isn’t asking for, rather than just presenting a big sexy idea. 

What’s the best thing about the industry you work in? 

Charlotte: The dynamic energy and the opportunity to collaborate with incredibly talented and inspiring minds. 

Cass: The diversity of the industry and people’s openness to share their ideas – there are little bits of gold you can pick up from every conversation and take forward with you. 

What does the MFA industry purpose of We Are The Changers mean to you? 

Charlotte: To continue driving an inclusive industry that embraces and represents all stories. 

Cass: It reflects the effort the industry continues to make to help our media choices get closer to reflecting the increasingly diverse audience we’re engaging. 

From your experience of the industry so far, which skills do you think are most valuable for now and for the future? 

Charlotte: In a data-driven industry, the importance of storytelling is crucial. 

Cass: As both the media landscape and our clients’ problems continue to change, the ability to stay dynamic and willingness to change tact is so important. 

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