Media agencies on Mamamia's 'engaging' Upfront

By AdNews | 18 September 2024
Jun Sayabath, Mairead Ryan and Sam Buchanan.

Media buyers have reacted positively to Mamamia's investment into its product offering, with the introduction of video-focused podcasts - or Vodcasts - and a proprietary content planning tool for advertisers highlighted as standouts from yesterday's Upfronts.

The women's media brand will expand its content offering in 2025 with four new categories of work, birth, divorce, and women’s health, while also launching KNOW, a 'social-first' lifestyle media brand, created by and for Gen Z.

UM Australia's group trading director, Jun Sayabath, said Mamamia continues to be one of the most trusted publications for women and girls in Australia’s media landscape, guided by its ethos of "improving lives and making the world a better place".

"As this suggests, this has made Mamamia one of  the most desirable platforms and outlets for brands, due to brand safety and audience reach," said Sayabath.

"From late 2024, Mamamia will provide brands with the opportunity to connect and extend their audience reach even further, with the release of several new podcasts across different genres such as work and divorce.

"In 2025, by investing and growing their product offering, Mamamia will create diverse revenue streams achieved through their launch of Vodcasts, enabling brands to connect and engage with their consumers through shoppable content, as well as opening Move by Mamamia their exercise platform to advertisers.           

"In a significant shift from its focus of female-related content, Mamamia is also launching KNOW in 2025. KNOW will be a platform and landing page dedicated to Gen Z living in its entirely own ecosystem separate to Mamamia, with a goal to reach challenging Gen Z communities, through multi-faceted approaches utilising TikTok, Podcast and Vodcast as well as Web."

Yango's client solutions manager, Mairead Ryan, said the Mamamia presentation was thoroughly enjoyable and engaging, with each speaker delivering a strong and humorous approach that clearly showcased their passion for the brand and new content opportunities.

"The updates were concise and focused, highlighting key takeaways that mattered most to us as marketers, keeping the session dynamic and relevant," said Ryan.

"There were a lot of interesting stats throughout, especially around the change in attitudes regarding careers for the younger generations.

"A key highlight was the introduction of the new brand KNOW, created to connect with the ever-evolving Gen Z audience, to help us keep up with the fast-paced trends of the digital age. I really enjoyed the introduction of 'vodcasts' across the Mamamia network as this is something I personally love as a consumer so it's great to see them adapt to this.

"Their ‘M DNA’ product was particularly intriguing, providing access to valuable data and touchpoints that help us better understand and engage with female audiences.

"Additionally, the presentation showcased how Mamamia can help maximise client campaigns across a vast number of content networks and channels, offering products and brands that resonate with every type of woman, from taboo topics to everyday life, making it relevant to all women across Australia."

IMAA CEO Sam Buchanan said he would summarise this year's Mamamia Upfronts as bigger, better and deeper, really positioning the publisher as a trusted brand with 7.5 million women each month on the Australian women's network.

"There are not many brands in Australia that are more loved and trusted than Mamamia," he said.

"Mamamia has grown to become a super channel for women with many content options including 63 different podcasts, a newsletter with 400-plus subscribers plus an expansion into vodcasts and shoppable ads for a stickier audience and the launch of a new app in 2025.

"The addition of new content brands in Diary of a Birth, Once Upon a Divorce, the Butter female erotica podcast and KNOW specialising in Gen Z  will provide additional appeal to niche audiences. The One Million Women women's health charity initiative and events from Mamamia will no doubt directly appeal to its audience.

"The publisher has also supercharged its data and insights with daily research insights delivered to media agencies and its state of women research report, and now offers valuable contextual targeting with its female audience.

"Overall, Mamamia presents both influential, respected and well-loved brands providing advertisers with a targeted and brand safe environment and a highly engaged audience, which will be well received by agencies."

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