Mat Baxter resigns from Mutinex

By AdNews | 17 September 2024
Mat Baxter.

Mat Baxter is stepping down as APAC CEO of marketing measurement start-up Mutinex.

Baxter, who joined Mutinex in May this year, after becoming an investor, will be keeping a link to the company as a board advisor from September 30.

The company didn't have enough room for both co-founder Henry Innis and Baxter.

“Going in I think we both knew this would be a grand experiment. What became apparent to me in the four months since joining is that there’s not enough space for Henry and I in the day to day business,” Baxter said.

“So I took the simple decision to resign, and the board had asked that I serve as an advisor.

“I continue to be as big an advocate for the company today as ever. And I continue to be an investor and shareholder."

Mutinex chairman Brodie Arnold said the company respects Baxter's decision and wants to continue to get the benefit of his extensive global experience and advice.

“Mat came to us and said he felt he could contribute more effectively as an external advisor than an internal CEO," Arnold said.

Mutinex chief executive Henry Innis said Mat and himself are both extremely hands on operators.

"I’m a very involved co-founder. I think he felt a little constrained because of that and so we’ve created this new plan to address it," Innis said.

Mutinex continues its aggressive expansion into the US market.

“The other advantage here is that we get to access Mat’s experience in the US market which wasn’t being directly accessed in his role as APAC CEO, so we’ll be tapping him up for help there too,” Innis said.

Ex-dentsu leader Danny Bass was appointed as Mutinex's first chief revenue officer in July.

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