Marketers need to educate HQs on Australian nuances

Jason Pollock
By Jason Pollock | 7 November 2022
Credit: Austin Distel via Unsplash

The majority (86%) of marketers agree that they spend too much time educating their HQ on Australian nuances and needs, a survey from HubSpot and LinkedIn has revealed.  

The findings of the joint research report, conducted by YouGov, found that nearly half (49%) of marketing decision-makers in Australia are of the opinion that senior leaders in regional or global offices are often misaligned with local marketing. 

There is a lack of understanding around the channels that are most effective in markets, where the areas of greatest impact are, and in some cases, there’s an assumption that a global approach will work the same way in every market. CMOs (41%) and VPs or equivalent (33%) are more likely to cite this than managers (29%). 

For marketing leaders, the top priorities at the moment were shown to be contributing to the growth of the business through implementing effective local strategies (39%) and increasing focus on building awareness and affinity (31%).

To keep pace with these growth plans, marketers will need to also expand their teams. Nearly half (49%) of marketers are focusing on hiring and retaining great talent, which will put the pressure on the thousands of marketing leaders soon to be adjusting to the demands of a growing workforce.

Amidst skill shortages, employers are needing to be more innovative in their approach to hiring and retaining great talent. Marketers identified that they would look for better employee benefits (37 %) and improved hiring strategies (24%) when looking for a new employer.

Kat Warboys, director of APAC for HubSpot, said: “Through the turbulence of the pandemic and now today’s economic uncertainty, marketers in Australia have shown resilience and agility, all while tirelessly pushing brands forward on their journey of customer experience. 

“One key component to creating a strong, contextual and relevant experience with customers is through localisation, yet this is an area in which our research has identified a chasmic disconnect. Marketers in the regional or local offices are keen to tap into opportunities to lead strategic marketing instead of just executing on a global plan that was developed by HQ.

“If they are afforded this opportunity by their global counterparts, not only will their brands connect on a much deeper level with their customers, but they will also build unwavering customer loyalty which will lead to sustained business growth in the long run.”

Sarah Tucker, head of APAC marketing forLinkedIn Marketing Solutions, said: “Against a backdrop of a national skills shortages and continued economic uncertainty, marketers today are juggling multiple responsibilities. 

“What’s pleasing to see is that despite the challenges, Australian marketers intend to expand their teams and put meaningful focus on hiring and retaining great talent. This signals to the industry that there is an opportunity to increase local marketing efforts with additional on-ground presence and that Australia can also lead the way for the sector globally. 

“Marketing teams who continue to demonstrate resilience and efficiency while also focusing on how to continue to be creative will be able to make a little go a long way in these times. Which will ultimately help brands on their growth trajectory.”

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