M&C Saatchi snaps up creative duo Abby Clark and Laura Murphy

By AdNews | 18 July 2024
Laura Murphy and Abby Clark.

M&C Saatchi has appointed Abby Clark and Laura Murphy to the agency’s creative department.

The duo were most recently at integrated creative agency MBCS, where Clark was appointed copywriter and Murphy art director in February. 

Clark and Murphy first joined forces at a digital and tech-focused CX agency.

The duo recently came in as runners-up in the Cannes Young Lions Digital competition.

“We believe in creating ideas that solve business problems to create an advantage for our clients and genuinely impact society. The unique capabilities of M&C Saatchi Group allow us to deliver this in exciting new ways," Clark said.

Murphy said the pair are thrilled by the opportunity to collaborate within such a dynamic environment.

"And draw on the diverse capabilities to offer connective creativity from our new home," she said.

M&C Saatchi national executive creative director Scott Dettrick said the agency is excited to welcome Clark and Murphy to the team.

"They are both curious and provocative thinkers with a keen eye for what's coming next in advertising. We look forward to seeing the great work they will undoubtedly produce.”

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