M&C Saatchi's Resolution Design to create experiences for the Australian War Memorial

By AdNews | 25 July 2024

M&C Saatchi's Resolution Design has partnered with the Australian War Memorial to design and produce stories and immersive experiences to be open to the public in early 2026.

Resolution Design will focus on delivering a range of multimedia experiences and cinema-style documentaries about life in war zones that span World War I, World War II and the war in Afghanistan.

“The relationship with the Australian War Memorial has been ten years in the making and with this project specifically, it's been a privilege to learn more about people’s stories," said creative producer and director at Resolution Design, Jeffrey Jaffers.

"Ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances and how the human spirit prevails in times of conflict.  Connecting people with these stories through our work with the Australian War Memorial is a privilege."

Work on the Australian War Memorial development project began in 2019, and it is anticipated it will be complete by 2028. 

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