Lee Liversedge joins Enigma

By AdNews | 12 June 2024
Lee Liversedge.

Full-service independent agency Enigma has named Lee Liversedge creative director for its brand and property and place divisions.

Liversedge brings more than 25 years’ creative agency experience to the Enigma team, having established his own agencies and worked in leadership roles for global agencies Ogilvy and Imagination.

Enigma founder Lisa Sutton Gardner said Liversedge brings an incredible skill-set and pedigree to the agency, both in his wealth of industry experience and his passion for executing at a high level.

"Lee brings a deep understanding of all facets of brand and human-centred design to the business - we can’t wait to see what he delivers for our clients," she said. 

Liversedge said the focus of his career has been on creating connected brand experiences that stimulate and amplify human behaviours wherever people live, work and play.

"For me, it’s about delivering truly memorable experiences that bring people and place together. I look forward to bringing this passion and holistic thinking to Enigma and its clients," he said.

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