Learning from leaders: Terri Martin, general manager of Presentation Studio

By AdNews | 3 November 2016

The Marketing Academy 2017 is open for nominations. The programme aims to help set up marketers to be future leaders, raise their capabilities and build a stronger marketing community. It offers nine-months of free mentoring, career and life coaching and leadership training. 

It's sponsored by Microsoft, Commonwealth Bank, News Corp and Google.

It's a selective process, and entrants need to be nominated before they can apply. If there's someone inspirational in your team - nominate them today. Nominations and applications must be submitted by 16 December - don't miss out. Nominate here.

We asked some of the class of 2016 what their highlights were, and what they got out of it. Today we hear from Terri Martin, general manager of Presentation Studio

What have been your highlights of TMA?
Two things come to mind: The Bootcamp – a once-in-lifetime experience. We met the most inspirational people and learnt important and fundamental lessons in Leadership. We also got to know our cohort really well in an environment devoid of judgement and competitiveness. It’s a money-can’t-buy experience that I will never forget.
The Cohort - I’ve really loved getting to know my Marketing Academy colleagues. They’re the most inspirational and supportive bunch of people I think I’ve ever met. I’m lucky to call them my friends and have them by my side throughout my leadership journey now and into the future.

What were your biggest learnings?

So many, here’s a snapshot: 

  • That leaders are not the all-knowing beacons of perfection that we believe they are, they’re human, make mistakes and don’t always know the answers. And it’s the great ones that will admit that.
  • Being a great leader impacts every aspect of your life, not just work. It includes being a parent, a friend, a daughter and a partner. (My leadership skills have been most tested raising my teenage son so I’ve been grateful for the lessons I’ve learnt on this journey that help me through that).
  • You need to lead from now, not from the role you aspire to have in a few years’ time.
  • The importance of being vulnerable and accountable, and how that can transform your relationship with your team if you truly embrace it.
  • That I’m an extroverted introvert – Jaimes Leggett helped me realise that, I never realised!
  • Great leadership is not a destination, it’s an ongoing journey. While it seems like we’re at the end of our journey, we’re actually only at the beginning.
  • That embarking on a leadership journey is much like having a baby. Everyone has advice and it’s often conflicting. You need to listen to it all, take it all in, but decide for yourself what works for you and go with that. Be true to who you are, don’t try and be someone else.
  • Choose your job based on the leader, not the role or the company
  • Never be afraid to share your challenges with others, you never know how supportive and helpful people really can be. Take that mask off now!

What were your expectations up front and were they met / exceeded?
They don’t tell you a great deal about what journey you’ll go on in the Marketing Academy so I went in with very little expectations and an open mind. What little expectations I had were totally blown away. You can’t imagine how life changing this journey is. Nothing I tell people about ever does it justice.

Would you recommend it?
If anyone is unsure as to whether they should apply, all I can say is do it! This experience is like no other. Be accountable for your future and just do it!

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