Koko Black's 'Get Lost' via Hart & Co

By AdNews | 26 September 2023

Koko Black is capturing the joy of getting lost in the moment with dreamy, decadent couverture treats in its newest campaign, Get Lost. 

The integrated campaign spans digital, social, and in-store activations. 

Reina Alessio, creative director of the Koko Black Get Lost campaign, said the creative concept celebrates the notion of "getting lost in the moment" as a means of savouring a moment of delicious escapism with Koko Black.

"We wanted to capture the decadence, the joy, this moment of pure bliss,” said Alessio.

Jennifer Aitchison, head of marketing at Koko Black, said the company is gifted with a product and category that has a deep emotional connection.

"Leading to a category truth – that chocolate is one of life’s greatest pleasures and a single bite can bring so much emotion; comfort, joy, bliss," she said.

"This campaign taps into the emotive nature of our product and delivers a deep connection to the consumer experience of getting lost in a moment with Koko Black.”

To bring this emotional connection to life, the campaign centres around four Koko Black connoisseurs: six-year-old Arabella and her love of caramel sprinkles; Zara, a much-loved member of the Koko Black family for more than a decade; Koko Black Chadstone store manager Marlon who embodies the joy of a nostalgic Koko Vovo; and Amira, Koko Black Melbourne Central store manager who celebrates the pure indulgence and decadence of Koko Black chocolate..

Keith Evans, CEO at Koko Black, said as a company built out of passion, with a purpose to make every chocolate moment momentous, Koko Black endeavours to continually surprise, excite and delight customers.

"This campaign is centred on heroing the joy our product brings by celebrating those on the ground who deliver these Koko moments each and every day," said Evans.

"We are proud to have our store team members at the forefront of this campaign, getting lost in a Koko moment."

It’s time to come together, immerse yourself in the divine and Get Lost in a moment of pure happiness with Koko Black.



Client: Koko Black

Creative Director: Reina Alessio

Creative Team [Hart & Co.]

Photographer: Michelle Tran

Digital Operator: Jack Lowe

Photography Assistant: Luke Chang


Stylist: Emily Ward

Stylist Assistant: Olivia Foulds


Hair & Make-up: Blanka Dudas

Hair & Make-up: Joyce Ying



Amira Fawahl

Marlon Patterson

Zara Holden


Paid Talent

Arabella Flores | Bettina Management


Print and Creative Solutions Partner: Style Print  

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