Justin Ruben jumps again, this time to his own shop

By AdNews | 23 July 2024
Justin Ruben.

Creative director Justin Ruben has opened his own agency, Oblong Creative.

"My inspiration for launching Oblong came from the desire to create an agency where we don’t just think about the work differently, but also the teams we put on projects," he said. 

His new venture comes after moving to Host/Havas in June last year as executive creative director from CHEP where he had been after returning to Australia from New York in mid-2021.

"Oblong is designed as a flexible model, allowing us to bring in specialist people depending on the project," said Ruben.

"We believe bringing people in with diverse backgrounds will lead to different shaped ideas and we will always get the best in class talent, both locally and globally.

"I am also a big believer in creating culturally relevant work that creates impact for clients, and with the rise of AI, it’s important we come up with unexpected ideas that robots can’t.”

Oblong has already started working on projects and will be announcing further clients and partners in the coming weeks

“I’ve always loved the different shapes and forms that advertising can take and I believe now, it’s more important than ever, in this content heavy world that we create work that cuts through and taps into culture," said Ruben.

"Oblong’s model will also allow us to take on projects of any size, depending on their potential and the impact they can have.”

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