JCDecaux and The Daily Aus partner to launch Voice referendum campaign

By AdNews | 11 September 2023

Out-of-home media company JCDecaux and news platform The Daily Aus have partnered to inform Australians on the upcoming Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum.  

The education campaign 'Be a voice, not an echo', empowers audiences to make an informed decision when they vote on October 14. 

Tess Phillips, executive general manager - corporate affairs at JCDecaux, said given all Australians will shortly be asked to cast their vote, as a business with signage on lands across this country reaching a broad and diverse audience, the company saw an opportunity.

"Working with The Daily Aus allows us to unite the reach of two media powerhouses, directing people to simple, impartial, and trusted information to help inform their vote," said Phillips.

"Using our channel to help provide education about this key moment in history not only aligns with our RAP commitments, but it’s also the right thing to do.”  

Zara Seidler, co-founder of The Daily Aus, said the news platform wanted to provide people with all the resources they need to make an informed choice come voting day.

"While we reach young people in the digital world, working with JCDecaux has allowed us to amplify that message offline - in the real world," she said.

The partnership encourages audiences to access TDA’s Voice Hub, where people can access simple explainers on the Voice and understand the civics process behind the referendum itself. 

The campaign will run across JCDecaux’s network from Monday, September 11 until the referendum on October 14. The site thedailyaus.com.au/voice can be accessed directly via the QR code on the campaign.

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