Jay Morgan launches creative brand agency POPULA

By AdNews | 30 May 2024
Jay Morgan.

Jay Morgan has launched POPULA, a creative brand agency aiming to redefine brand advertising for a mobile-first world.

Morgan has held leadership roles at Havas, VML, The Monkeys and most recently Meta.

POPULA is designed to evolve brand advertising to be most effective on the most dominant screen - the mobile. 

POPULA has already created campaigns for a roster of clients including BHP, Commonwealth Bank, Canva, Meta, Quad Lock, Red Cross, BIG W, Woolworths Group, and Mindset Health. 

As creative partner and founder, Morgan said it’s no secret that people’s behaviours have changed. 

“Audiences of all ages are now mobile-first, but for various reasons too few agencies are giving their brand partners campaigns which are created for this screen. 

“POPULA has been born to turn this problem on its head, starting with mobile as the primary screen and creating ideas which extend out from there. We don’t know of any other creative agencies offering this approach." 

Australian consumers are already spending more time on their mobile devices than any other, with research showing it is the dominant device for viewing content. 

Research indicates 63% of total ad spending by 2028 is projected to be generated from mobile in the digital advertising market. 

Morgan said there’s a myth that people can’t build brand in mobile, but that’s not true.

“We care deeply about craft and brand building, and we’re approaching creative briefs to work brilliantly in mobile environments first, because that is where most customers are spending their time now.

“It’s an approach that’s already reaping benefits for the brands we’re working with.”

Ex CMO of Uber, Zip, current CEO of Archie and chair of ADMA Steve Brennen said getting your brand advertising right for where your audience is today isn’t just important, it’s mission critical.

“POPULA’s approach to creating brand advertising makes so much sense for today's consumers.”

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