James Warburton's goodbye pay

By AdNews | 14 August 2024
James Warburton.

Former Seven West Media CEO James Warburton's final year pay was $1.2 million, down from the previous year's $1.3 million, according to documents lodged with the ASX.

His salary for the year to June, was made up of $1,263,352 cash.

This included a "termination payment" of $265,221.

His final pay was lower than that of former commercial director Bruce McWilliam at $1,443,069, including a termination payment of $544,203.

According to Seven West Media's annual report, Warburton's equity payments were valued at $4,218,750 for 2023 and zero for 2024.

Warburton finished up at of Seven West Media earlier than expected, to be replaced by Jeff Howard, the former CFO, on Friday, April 19.

Seven reported revenue down 5% to $1.415 billion for the year to June, in a soft advertising market.

Statutory net profit after tax dropped 69% to $45 million. Underlying net profit after tax, after excluding significant items was down 46% to $78 million.

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