IPG Mediabrands and Scope3 form partnership

Jason Pollock
By Jason Pollock | 17 November 2022
Credit: Charles Deluvio via Unsplash

IPG Mediabrands and Scope3 today announced an industry partnership to measure and reduce the carbon footprint of digital advertising.

As part of the deal, Mediabrands will offer clients emissions measurement, compensation and reduction capabilities while helping increase the capacity of players across the digital ecosystem to decarbonise media emissions at scale. 

In partnership with Scope3, Mediabrands will introduce complementary and mutually dependent services that provide a road map to net-zero: 

  • Measurement and reporting: Mediabrands will gain access to end-to-end emissions data for every digital ad impression, augmenting its existing media consumption carbon calculator, which quantifies a portion of the emissions generated by the end user consuming the ad.
  • Carbon-neutral media products: Scope3’s Green Media Products use emissions data to factor the cost of carbon into the price of advertising and provide a clear and measurable path to achieve carbon-neutral campaign activations. 
  • Industry engagement: Leveraging Scope3’s emissions measurement, Mediabrands will initiate dialogue and collaboration across the digital supply chain to promote ad delivery paths that are optimized to reduce emissions. Ultimately, Mediabrands will shift media investment to partners that demonstrate a commitment to continuous emissions reductions. 

Eileen Kiernan, global CEO of Mediabrands, said: “Our partnership with Scope3 is one of many commitments Mediabrands is making to take intentional steps in support of climate action as part of our broader Media for Good efforts.

“For action to be taken, access to accurate data and reporting is an essential first step. Scope3 provides critical insights and information that enable us to make smarter, cleaner investment choices.” 


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