InMobi announces Red Planet as latest partner

Jason Pollock
By Jason Pollock | 8 September 2022
Richard O’Sullivan; image supplied by InMobi.

InMobi has partnered with Red Planet to offer brands exclusive access to Red Planet Audiences for in-app advertising on the InMobi Exchange. 

These will be made available through InMobi’s new series of vertical and customised private marketplaces, Curated, by InMobi

InMobi has also signed a data partnership with Eyeota and expanded its existing relationship with Experian to make their audiences available on the new private marketplaces across Australia & New Zealand. 

Curated, by InMobi, which launched in April 2022 in Australia and New Zealand, are a series of privacy-compliant curated marketplaces on the InMobi Exchange to help mobile advertisers better reach and engage with relevant niche audiences, including Shopping, Gaming, Crypto, Premium Sports, and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD). 

Each curated marketplace (PMP) leverages a combination of audience data and contextually relevant supply to deliver highly relevant, brand-safe marketplaces for advertisers to reach their target consumers. They also offer custom creative support, pre-built supply packages and a managed service for optimising campaign performance. 

Richard O’Sullivan, VP and general manager of InMobi ANZ, said: “The addition of Red Planet to Curated, by InMobi means unique access to behavioral data that further strengthens and enhances our premium audience data capabilities. 

“Red Planet joins Eyeota and Experian to provide Curated, by InMobi with best-in-class audience data which offers advertisers unprecedented access to over 20,000 audience segments for activating in-app campaigns.” 

Steve Philpotts, general manager of Experian Targeting and Data Quality, said: “Experian has been working with InMobi for over five years and is thrilled for the next iteration of our relationship. 

“We believe the combination of InMobi’s presence in mobile combined with the breadth and depth of Experian’s audience data assets will provide a very compelling and comprehensive solution for our agency and advertiser partners – a solution built on scale and accuracy.”

Howard Luks, chief revenue officer of Eyeota, said: “We are delighted to integrate Eyeota’s qualified audience solutions on the Curated, by InMobi private marketplaces in Australia and New Zealand. 

“Powered by our premium data partner network, Eyeota provides audience solutions for both B2B and B2C advertisers spanning over 15 industries including FMCG, Retail, and Finance. The Curated by InMobi marketplaces are crucial for delivering addressable audiences at scale to brands and advertisers looking to engage and influence the right target customers via mobile in-app channels.” 

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