Industry Profile: Sherine Youssef at gloss etc

By AdNews | 6 August 2024

In this series, AdNews takes a look at some of the professionals working across the advertising, adtech, marketing and media sector in Australia. This time it's gloss etc co-founder Sherine Youssef.

Time in current role/time at the company:

gloss etc turns four in November. That went fast!         

How would you describe what the company does?

When Sarah Tarca and I launched gloss etc in 2020, we were Australia’s first beauty newsletter and we spent a lot of that first 18 months explaining what we were doing. Back then, newsletters were something brands put out when they went on sale or had a new season drop, but we wanted to create something highly targeted, community based and approachable, with the aesthetic of a glossy magazine page. And we did! Using our combined 30+ years of beauty industry experience, we created what is essentially an extension of the WhatsApp groups we share with our friends: honest beauty reviews of products we’ve personally tried and tested, and that cut through the noise, interviews with experts including dermatologists, cosmetic chemists and brand founders, actually useful tips, a lot of education (“approachable education” is our thing), and articles/podcasts/stats we’re reading/listening to/have found interesting. And it resonates — from the get-go, we’ve maintained a 60% open rate, almost three times the industry standard. Our newsletter is free, and it lands in inboxes every Thursday at 4pm. And no, it’s not a Substack.

What do you do day to day?

I know it’s a cliche, but that changes constantly. A typical week might include receiving/unpacking press kits and product samples, trialling new products, experiencing a treatment, interviewing an expert, writing the issue or an Instagram caption, researching, reading websites/newspapers/magazines (beauty, but also fashion, health, wellness, culture), editing copy, shooting still-life or set-ups for Instagram, finalising a newsletter layout or Instagram carousel in InDesign, uploading an issue in Mailchimp or an Instagram post, liaising with our creative director on layouts and design, collaborating with beauty brands on sponsored content, attending a beauty event, meeting with a brand rep or PR…

Define your job in one word:


I got into the industry because:

I love writing, researching and interviewing interesting people, and have a pathological need to always know more and find the why, so journalism was a good career fit. Specialising in beauty was a no-brainer as it’s constantly innovating, so I never get bored. 

What’s the biggest challenge you face in your role?

The market is ever-changing, so you have to have your running shoes on at all times and be ready to adapt to the next iteration. There’s always a new TikTok, broadcast channel, app or podcast, so it can be challenging to know what medium to put your energy towards. We’re a small team, so we’ve consciously decided which spaces we will have a presence in, and instead of spreading ourselves too thin just so we can be “everywhere,” we spend time being exceptional in those spaces.

What’s the biggest industry-wide challenge you’d like to see tackled?

The glut of brand and product launches needs to be pared way back, in my opinion. For brands: I can’t tell you how many press releases I get along the lines of, “I couldn’t find XX so I decided to make it.” I promise you, more often than not, what you’re looking for already exists. For products: I know some companies/brands commit to a launch calendar, ie, we will launch XX products this year, but the constant newness is frankly exhausting and takes away from some really excellent products already on shelves (it’s why we run a regular feature in gloss etc, Not new, just great, spotlighting products that are still good).

Who has been a great mentor to you and why?

One of my last magazine editors, Lizzie Renkert, showed me that, contrary to what was perhaps the norm for magazines then (ie, a toxic and competitive workplace), it could be a positive and supportive environment, and I think the evidence of that is that many of us who worked together during those last years of madison are still friends and see each other regularly. In beauty, Stephanie Darling was my first beauty boss and taught me so much, from how to craft an engaging feature even though you might be writing about mascara for the 157th time, to why it’s important to arrive first at a beauty event and the power of a handwritten note.

Words of advice for someone wanting a job like yours?

It’s fun, for sure, but treat it like a job and have a good work ethic. And be nice! The industry is actually super small and everyone pretty much knows everyone else, we all talk and give each other intel and advice—and we all know which jobs are going where.

If I wasn’t doing this for a living, I'd be:

A high school english and modern history teacher. Might still happen, you never know.

My philosophy is:

Everyone understands kindness.

My favourite advert is:

I don’t know about favourite, but I have Marion Cotillard in Chanel's 2022 No.5 Holiday campaign on a board. That face, that makeup… dreamy.

Music and TV streaming habits: what do you subscribe to?

I subscribe to pretty much all the TV streaming services. A few of my favourite series: The Bear, Slow Horses and Last Week Tonight.

Tell us one thing people at work don’t know about you?

Ha! There’s probably a lot they don’t know about me as I’m not on social media. But one that made me laugh the other week: despite working together for years, Sarah only just learned that I’m extremely shortsighted and wear contact lenses.

In five years time, I'll be:

I’ve learned it’s best if I don’t play that game. If my family and I are all healthy and still around in five years, I’ll be happy.

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