Industry Profile: Roland Irwin at AdFixus

By AdNews | 22 August 2024

In this series, AdNews takes a look at some of the professionals working across the advertising, adtech, marketing and media sector in Australia. This time it's Adfixus head of sales Roland Irwin.

Time in current role:

I have been in my current role at AdFixus for around eighteen months. 

How would you describe what the company does?

In a world that values privacy, AdFixus is designed to improve how digital identities are managed. The AdFixus platform helps publishers and advertisers reclaim visibility of their audiences, assigning a unique, privacy-centric identity to each visitor across all their brands. AdFixus allows businesses to better understand their audiences and deliver relevant, personalised content. It also empowers brands and publishers to manage their data responsibly, comply with privacy regulations, and return control of consent to individuals.

What do you do day to day?

My day involves a great variety of tasks, all of which share the common goal of propelling AdFixus forward. I reach out to new clients, check in with existing partners, create sales pitches and demonstrations, and produce marketing material and some PR. I love the variety and being able to shift my priorities to get the most out of my day. Outside of work hours I balance my day with cycling, ocean swimming and playing with by two overly energetic sons.

Define your job in one word:


I got into the industry because:

I've been watching the tide change around online identity and privacy, and I relish finding a solution that corrects past mistakes in data collection and sharing, and monetisation. Our core team at AdFixus truly believes we can provide an alternative solution that is good for brands, publishers, and consumers. Some major changes are occurring in the industry, and we are positioning ourselves at the forefront of that change and on the right side of privacy is a satisfying place to be.

What’s the biggest challenge you face in your role?

Education. AdFixus is a primarily new solution to a problem that has existed for years. We find that people lean into how the technology works when we pinpoint how the solution works without PII and without us storing or commercialising people’s data. I love seeing the ‘a-huh’ moment of realisation when people truly understand what we do and our solution. 

What’s the biggest industry wide challenge you’d like to see tackled?

Wastage. The 'pray and spray' programmatic model of letting systems find an audience is defective. Advertisers are forming tighter and deeper relationships with brands and seeking campaign outcomes that drive efficiency within their media budgets.

Who has been a great mentor to you and why?

Judy Pridmore has been my manager on multiple occasions whilst at News Corp and has been a great career mentor. She empowers, challenges, and nurtures her team, providing the opportunity to shine and take ownership. We've known each other for 16 years and keep in close contact. 

Words of advice for someone wanting a job like yours?

I am a big believer in having a consultative approach to sales. You need a robust understanding of the business, its solutions and use cases when speaking to prospective clients. People will always ask their trusted advisors for a second option, no matter what I say or demonstrate, and the most important part of the puzzle is to educate and communicate solutions that encompass the complete picture. 

If I wasn’t doing this for a living, I'd be:  

I would be an architect. I have always been fascinated by the balance between the practicality and aesthetics of built structures.

My philosophy is:

Treat everyone with the same, high level of respect. Everyone has a story to tell.

My favourite advert is:

Hilux – “Bugger.” I worked at Toyota for several years and loved this ad from the team over in New Zealand. It is clever, engaging, and cheeky.

Music and TV streaming habits: what do you subscribe to?

Too many: Netflix for the kids, but Apple+ for music and its growing list of top original series.

Tell us one thing people at work don’t know about you?

I have travelled to 84 countries and have the desire to visit many more!

In five years time I'll be:

I'll probably still be talking about cookie deprecation and solving more industry challenges.

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