In Conversation - Simon Hadfield talks to Sally Kissane

By Simon Hadfield | 2 September 2024
Simon Hadfield.

An occasional column with Simon Hadfield, Executive Partner at DMCG Global, an executive search and recruitment business.

This time it is Sally Kissane – CEO Ogilvy Network ANZ

Apart from your first couple of years in the industry Sally, you have been with Ogilvy for your entire career. That is now coming up for circa 28 years! Have you been close to jumping ship? It seems the loyalty has paid off though.

Ha. You have done the math!  28 Years!

I left Ogilvy twice through the period, both times wondering if the grass was greener on the other side. Both times I rushed back to Ogilvy.  I think you know when you have found your home and for me that is Ogilvy.  One of the great things about this business is change is constant, so it always feels like a fresh job.

I have had the privilege of working with so many great mentors, leaders, clients and partners who have your back and put the wind in your sails.

I think that is what makes Ogilvy special and makes it hard to beat.

The industry feels like it is getting tougher and greater pressure is being put on to the multinationals. It must be a very fine balance pleasing the powers to be, winning new business, retaining clients and talent and producing great work (versus the perceived nimbleness of indies).

There is no doubt that our industry is under pressure – but honestly what industry isn’t right now? 

Australia has more agencies per capita than possibly anywhere else. There is inevitably the perception that smaller agencies are nimbler, and there’s no doubt that the indies are doing a great job – but so are the networks with scale and a global network to innovate and tap into new capabilities.

The best defence is doubling down on what you’re great at – the work and our people - and focusing all our energy on helping our clients with their challenges.  When they win, we win.

That’s why we are Australia’s most effective agency according to WARC and have 100% retention of our top 20 clients.

Any big goals or objectives for Ogilvy in the coming year or two?

We have always been known for our effectiveness, but our creative reputation hasn’t reached the same heights. We have been going through a transformation over the past couple of years attracting incredible new talent: Toby Talbot as our first ANZ CCO, Hilary Badger ECD in Melbourne, Bridget Jung joint ECD in Sydney and Krystal Knight as ECD in Auckland. And a slew of new talent working with them.  It’s an exciting time.

I am also excited to see earned-first creativity rise in importance. So many of the brands we work with are looking to become more immersive, social brands.

We are fortunate to have such strong Aussie brands in our stable and the depth and breadth of creative talent to break new ground.

The combination of Ogilvy and Ogilvy PR and Influence is potent and one that will continue to deliver breakthrough work.

Any work you’ve seen recently that you admire?

Whilst it’s been around for a while now, The Last Performance from Special is an absolute standout. Just so unexpected, brilliantly executed and you can’t help but smile. And as a diehard murder mystery fan, what’s not to love?

Then from Ogilvy I can’t go past CeraVe with Michael Cera. It’s written the rules on earned first creativity. I love the ambition. More of this please.

What have you learnt in the last 5 years?

Since I became CEO three years ago – during lockdown and all the circumstances surrounding that – I have learned so much. But let's settle for the top three:

  • You cannot control everything. We used to talk about “returning to normal”, but the truth is this doesn’t exist. Change must become your friend.
  • Find a good support crew. Being a CEO can get lonely, and I am fortunate to have built some incredible friendships amongst my peers that are terrific sounding boards and sometimes therapists.
  • Our people are our everything.

If you hadn’t ended up in agency world, what alternative career may you have fancied?

A physio or a florist – can’t really explain why:)

What advice would you give your younger self?

Go easy on yourself

Outside of business, what keeps you out of trouble?

We have two boys 17 & 19. One just off to university in Wollongong, and the other in his final years of school.

We live by the beach – and that pretty much sums up our universe.

Oh, and a boat load of murder mysteries.

What are you driving, what are you listening to and what are you watching?

Driving: Audi

Reading: Sunburnt by the fabulous Anne Gately

Watching: Sunny with Rasheda Jones is pretty wild.

Favourite band?

Can we call Beyonce a band (wink)

Where is your next holiday?

I just got back from a 3-week family trip to the US, and Mexico. No more holidays for me for a while!


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