IMAA Academy unveils its final e-learning course Digital101

By AdNews | 22 May 2024
IMAA Chair, Jacquie Alley.

The Independent Media Agencies of Australia (IMAA) has released Digital101 e-learning course, the final training module in IMAA Academy.

The Digital101 course was officially unveiled as part of the IMAA’s new Digi-Byte networking and training event.

200 independent agency staff and media partners attended the inaugural event, held at Fortress Sydney, which featured panel discussions and speakers exploring Australia’s digital sector, and an immersive gaming competition.


Digi-Byte event.


Digital101 offers an in-depth examination of Australia's digital advertising landscape across five e-learning modules.

The course kicks off with an overview of the digital space, along with the role and benefits of digital advertising, key channels and platforms, and insights into strategy, planning and budget setting.

Additional modules explore a range of subjects including programmatic advertising, and deep dives into specific channels like digital video, digital audio, programmatic digital out-of-home, search engine marketing, social media, and display advertising.

The course will also delve into key developments in digital advertising and channels nationwide, ad verification and media quality, and Australia’s privacy laws.

Participants will have access to the training modules, along with a digital glossary, toolkit featuring valuable resources and links, and a podcast offering insights from leading industry professionals including Half Dome Co-Founder, Joe Frazer, Glide Agency CEO, Es Chandra, and Supercurious Director of Digital Media, Alexis Brassil.

IMAA board chair Jacquie Alley said Digital101 was set to bring the digital sector to life for course participants.

“It’s wonderful to see the Digital101 course come to fruition; it has taken nearly 12 months to create, because of the breadth of content we wanted to include and explore, and the rapid evolution within the digital landscape,” Alley said.

“Digital is a vast and complex advertising medium and it’s also constantly changing; we wanted to ensure our syllabus thoroughly covered every facet of Australia’s digital advertising industry, while also offering insights into what the future of digital advertising could look like.

“Digital has become deeply embedded within nearly every aspect of Australians’ lives."


Jacquie Alley at Digi-Byte event.

A recent GWI study found that 96% of Australians are online every day, spending, on average, more than six hours with digital channels.

As a result, advertisers are investing heavily in digital – brands spent $14.7 billion on digital advertising in 2023 alone, with expenditure increasing by 3.7% year-on-year.

"It just shows the proliferation of digital in society and why it’s so important for media professionals to have a sound understanding of the digital sector,” Alley said.

“We’re confident the Digital101 module will leave participants with a comprehensive grasp of digital channels, formats and strategies, ensuring they’re well-equipped to harness the power of today’s digital landscape.”

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