IAS uses machine learning for Quality Attention

By AdNews | 8 January 2024
Glenn Carstens-Peters via Unsplash.

Integral Ad Science (IAS) has rolled out its Quality Attention measurement product, helping advertisers to predict if an impression is more likely to lead to a business result.

Quality Attention uses machine learning technology, data from Lumen Research’s eye-tracking technology and a variety of signals obtained as part of IAS’ core technology, including viewability, ad situation, and user interaction, and weighs them into a single attention score.

Yannis Dosios, chief commercial officer of Integral Ad Science, said attention measurement must inform actions that drive superior results for advertisers.

"Our Quality Attention offering is purpose-built to help brands and agencies navigate through media clutter to seamlessly understand how media visibility, the ad environment, and customer interaction impact campaign performance," he said.

"According to our research, brands that focus on driving higher IAS attention scores achieve up to a 130% lift in conversion rates leading to a better return on their investment."

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