HypeAuditor launches custom influencer Media Kit Platform

Jason Pollock
By Jason Pollock | 7 December 2022
Laura Chouette via Unsplash.

HypeAuditor, the AI social media analytics platform, has announced the launch of HypeAuditor Media Kits, a free service that quickly and easily generates custom media kits for influencers to distribute to brands and agencies – at zero cost to the creator. 

In a recent survey of 254 Instagram influencers based globally with over 1K followers, HypeAuditor found that there is a strong demand for media kits amongst influencers, with 98% citing that a media kit would help them secure more brand deals.

However, 88% of influencers said that they do not currently have their own kit and 95% said if they had the option to make one for free, they would jump on the opportunity. 

HypeAuditor Media Kits enables influencers to craft compelling media kits by selecting the specific information that they want to highlight, including past successes, client testimonials, and account metrics – such as engagement rates, audience demographics, and average likes and comments per post.  

HypeAuditor Media Kits also automatically incorporate informative graphs, data, and top-performing content that creators are free to edit or remove. Influencers can add their own descriptions explaining how brands and agencies stand to benefit from potential collaborations. 

Alexander Frolov, co-founder and CEO of HypeAuditor, said: “With our new influencer media kit service, we are hoping to help influencers market themselves more effectively to potential brand partners and win collaborations with their most sought-after brands.

“We want creators to feel empowered to showcase their achievements in the best light. This product aims to do exactly that.  

“This is crucial as in the current economic landscape, marketers want to get the most out of their influencer marketing strategies and are looking for the most engaging  and compatible content creators to help them achieve their goals effectively.”  

HypeAuditor Media Kits support several social media networks including Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. Media kits can be seamlessly transitioned to a mobile version and easily distributed with a shareable link, making communications between influencers and brands faster, simpler, and more intuitive.  

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