How OOH is Revolutionising Traditional Advertising in Australia

By Ben Baker, Managing Director APAC at Vistar Media | Sponsored
Ben Baker.

As print, radio and television struggle to keep up in the digital era, Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising is not just surviving but thriving – thanks to its digital transformation. Amid the rapidly shifting media landscape, OOH has redefined its role, evolving from a 'nice-to-have' into an essential element of modern marketing strategies.

The State of Traditional Media

Today’s media landscape is marked by rapid fragmentation and a pronounced shift towards digital platforms. Traditional channels that once held a dominant position, such as print, radio and television, are now seeing a steady decline in both audience engagement and advertising spend. As consumers access content across multiple devices and platforms, the once-reliable mass reach of traditional media has considerably diminished.

This fragmentation has prompted advertisers to explore alternative channels and reconsider how they allocate their marketing budgets. As a result, there is a growing preference for innovative and measurable options like social media, online platforms and streaming services that offer greater precision, flexibility and accountability. However, this shift has also paved the way for the resurgence of OOH advertising as it undergoes its own digital transformation.

The Rise of Digital Out-of-Home Advertising

OOH has emerged as a leading force in traditional media by adapting to the digital age. Its transformation into a digitally enhanced, data-driven medium has made it more relevant and effective than ever before. The integration of programmatic technology has been a key driver of this evolution, turning OOH into a highly targeted, flexible and scalable advertising channel. But what exactly has made OOH so effective in this new landscape?

  • Automation and Real-Time Bidding: Programmatic Digital Out-of-Home (pDOOH) allows advertisers to automate the buying and selling of ad placements, using real-time data to optimise campaigns. This automation ensures ads are displayed at the right time and place to precisely reach audiences.
  • Enhanced Targeting and Measurement: The use of first- and third-party data in pDOOH enables highly targeted advertising. Brands can now deliver personalised messages based on consumer behaviour, demographics and location, maximising the impact of their campaigns. Furthermore, advancements in measurement technology provide advertisers with detailed insights into campaign performance, such as foot traffic and sales uplift, proving the effectiveness of their OOH investments.
  • Flexibility and Scalability: A key advantage of pDOOH is its flexibility. Advertisers can quickly launch, adjust and optimise campaigns in response to real-time events or market conditions. This capability, combined with the scalability of OOH, allows brands to reach large audiences in both local and global markets, making it a versatile channel in any media mix.

OOH’s Growth and Momentum

The resilience and growth of the OOH industry, particularly in Australia, have been remarkable in recent times. In Q2 2024, the OMA reported a 6.7% increase in net media revenue, reaching $305.4 million, up from $286.2 million in the same quarter of 2023. Notably, DOOH now accounts for 74.4% of total net media revenue year-to-date, an increase from 71.9% during the same period last year. These figures underscore the ongoing growth and importance of OOH, particularly in its digital formats, which continue to gain traction among advertisers.

Unlike print ads, which remain static, or television commercials, which can be skipped or ignored, pDOOH engages consumers in real-world environments, delivering contextually relevant messages in places that are much harder to overlook. This evolution positions OOH as a crucial component in the modern advertising landscape, capable of leading the charge where other traditional channels have faltered.

Why Marketers Should Reallocate Their Spend into OOH

Given the unique advantages of OOH, marketers should reconsider their media spend allocation. OOH’s ability to capture attention in high-traffic areas and integrate seamlessly with digital strategies makes it an essential component of a comprehensive marketing plan.

  • Visibility, Reach and Engagement: OOH’s presence in public spaces ensures high visibility, while its digital capabilities allow for engaging and interactive content. Whether it’s a large-scale digital billboard in a bustling city centre or a targeted ad in a shopping mall, OOH captures consumer attention when they are most receptive.
  • Omnichannel Integration: OOH can enhance digital campaigns by driving online activity and reinforcing messages across platforms. For example, mobile location data can be used to retarget consumers who have been exposed to an OOH ad, creating a cohesive and effective omnichannel experience.
  • Mad Mex OOHMad Mex's Use of Programmatic DOOH for Enhanced Footfall: An example of effective omnichannel integration is how Mad Mex, an Australian QSR, utilised Vistar Media's programmatic DOOH technology in partnership with Hearts & Science. By leveraging near real-time store data, the campaign dynamically activated digital panels within 1km of specific stores when they needed a sales boost. This data-driven approach not only reduced media wastage but also significantly increased store visits, resulting in a 9% sales uplift and a 7% increase in transactions. This example highlights how programmatic DOOH can seamlessly integrate with broader marketing strategies to drive tangible results.

As the advertising landscape continues to evolve, OOH stands out as a viable and innovative traditional channel. The ongoing digital transformation of OOH, particularly through programmatic capabilities, has positioned it at the forefront of advertising. Marketers looking to future-proof their strategies must consider OOH as a key component of their media mix. With its unparalleled flexibility, precise targeting and proven effectiveness, OOH is set to continue its rise as a leader in the advertising industry.

The future of OOH is bright, and as technology continues to advance, this timeless yet innovative channel will only grow in importance, offering brands new and exciting ways to connect with their audiences​​.

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