Hello Social to go full service

By AdNews | 30 January 2025

Independent agency Hello Social is going full service.

It will unveil the offering during an upfront at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney on Wednesday, February 12.

The conference will feature sessions from Andrew Tindall, VP global partnerships, System1, Lucinda Barlow, head of international marketing, Uber and Louise Crompton, vice president, marketing & growth, Paramount+.

Hello managing partner Sam Kelly said after 12 years of delivering cutting-edge social media for the world's best brands, the brand is embarking on its next chapter.

"We will formally be launching Hello - an integrated agency, delivering brand experience for the digital era," Kelly said.

In Hello’s recent “Australian Marketing Leadership Survey 2025” more than 150 senior marketers were surveyed on their most pressing challenges and opportunities for the year.

Almost one third (32%) of respondents flagged “the cost of activating a full village to deliver integrated work” along with “speed and turnaround times” and the fact that “agencies are too siloed in their responses leading to disconnected plans” as the three leading frustrations when working with an agency village.

Forty-five per cent confirmed they’d be changing their PR strategy with the decline of traditional press and growth of creator-led publications. The full findings will be released at the event.

“The tides are shifting faster than ever, and while we’re not scaling a business built on speed and agility, we are breaking down traditional silos to form a more connected offering that can move at the speed of culture," said Kelly.


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