HAVAS Red turns pink

By AdNews | 4 October 2024

HAVAS Red is turning pink for the month of October to raise awareness of breast cancer. 

The agency will hold several events, rebrand to HAVAS Pink across all communications and coordinate initiatives designed to raise funds and support the National Breast Cancer Foundation. 

HAVAS Red CEO James Wright said the agency has been supporting the cause for more than a decade. 

“HAVAS Red has a proud history of making a meaningful difference to Australian audiences through our clients, partners, and own community initiatives by challenging the status quo and creative purpose driven change,” he said. 

National Breast Cancer Foundation CEO Cleola Anderiesz said we lose nine Australian lives daily.

“The National Breast Cancer Foundation’s focus on realising its vision of Zero Deaths from breast cancer is as important as ever,” she said. 

“We want to ensure that a diagnosis of breast cancer doesn’t lead to a death and research is key to achieving this.

“The HAVAS Village partnership and this month’s HAVAS Pink initiative makes a huge difference in elevating the awareness and need for breast cancer research.”

While there has been great progress in breast cancer, one in seven women and approximately one in 550 men are expected to be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. 

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