Havas appoints Rebecca Tos managing partner ANZ of Consumer Science & Analytics

By AdNews | 17 September 2024
Rebecca Tos.

Havas Media Network has appointed Rebecca Tos managing partner ANZ, of Consumer Science & Analytics (CSA), the global data and technology consultancy now launching in the ANZ market.

She will lead CSA’s launch in the ANZ market with the integrated trans-Tasman team delivering data science, data and tech consultancy solutions. Since its launch in June 2023, the CSA offering has expanded into 12 countries, encompassing more than 400+ data scientists and engineers and implementing over 450 projects.

Tos previously led Havas Media Market, which is now being led by national head of partnerships and adtech, Kevin Fernandes. 

Havas Media Network CEO Virginia Hyland said Tos is a rare talent within the industry with a sharp focused mind that can unpack and develop business solutions for clients with compelling results.

"Rebecca has successfully led and grown businesses in her previous roles of Managing Director, Merkle and CEO of Columbus. She more recently served in key Advisor roles to data and tech businesses across APAC," she said.

"She will play a pivotal role working with our Havas Village agencies and our clients to support our continued global focus creating better ways to unlock insights and improve consumer experiences when engaging with companies, building data homes that connect audience movements and activate campaigns."

“Marketers challenge to simplify the complicated has never been greater particularly when budgets are tight, and their teams are stretched. They desire to work with partners who can unpack their problems and deliver an integrated seamless working model to provide new growth areas. Rebecca will play a key role in leaning into our clients’ businesses in a true partnership extension.”

Tos said being a data native and working with a team who thrive on solving problems with data and technology each day is a very rewarding space to be.

"Our partners truly value how we think and operate in their ecosystem, which at times is unique, complex and challenging," she said.

"I’m particularly excited about the significant global investment we’re making to accelerate our capability even faster and being a part of that story."

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