Havas agencies lose B Corp status after work with Shell

Ashley Regan
By Ashley Regan | 19 July 2024
Credit: Barthelemy de Mazenod via Unsplash

Four agencies from French-owned advertising group Havas have had their B Corp certification revoked following an investigation by B Lab that found a breach to the community’s core values.

The investigation was sparked by formal complaints from Clean Creatives, a global initiative to end industry association with fossil fuel polluters, and 26 B Corp agencies after Havas UK won the media account for oil and gas giant Shell in September 2023.

B Corp certification is given to companies that meet high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability.

“Havas London, Havas Lemz, Havas New York, and Havas Immerse are no longer Certified B Corps,” B Corp confirmed with AdNews.

“Other entities in the Havas group are also ineligible to certify.”

While the Certified B Corps are not directly involved in providing services to the client, Havas’ structure and use of a common brand name places the group’s actions in scope for this investigation.

AdNews understands that Havas in Australia has been seeking B Corp certification for some time and that this decision, despite being overseas, makes this difficult.

B Lab is now implementing new standards, with complaints about B Corps that work with clients in controversial industries on a case-by-case analysis.

Currently Shell Energy is up for pitch in Australia, which saw Comms Declare, the activist group working to convince advertising agencies away from fossil fuel clients, has warning against pitching for the creative account.

Havas ANZ has been reached for comment.

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