Growth Distillery - Travel secrets for marketers 

By AdNews | 2 September 2024

Travellers are looking for more guidance but can be overwhelmed when it comes to narrowing choices and making decisions, according to research by News Corp’s The Growth Distillery.

“With all the considerations and possibilities that travel brings, it's easy for travellers to become overwhelmed and lost in all the options and choices,” said Growth Distilleryresearch director Ciel Graham.

‘It’s critical for brands and marketers to simplify the journey and understand the key turning points that guide those decisions.”

The research identified moments that matter for both travellers and marketers in pursuit of the perfect trip.

  • Dreaming: 70% are always planning a trip. Brands can stand out by keeping it casual, fun and pressure free, so when they are ready, consumers know where to turn for help. 
  • Discovery: 70% regularly consume travel content, whether planning a trip or not. Brands should seize this moment by staying inspirational and top of mind. 
  • Decision: 1 in 3 of those struggling at this stage blamed information overload. It’s at this moment brands should step in to help consumers stay focused on their chosen path. Now is the time to provide clear, actionable information, not more ideas.
  • Details: 3 in 5 are still making travel reservations at this stage, organising essentials and exploring experiences.  

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