Futurebrand updates brand strategy for National Breast Cancer Foundation

By AdNews | 23 May 2024
Andrew Bachelard.

The National Breast Cancer Foundation has partnered with FutureBrand Australia to develop an updated brand strategy to inform and inspire marketing, communications and digital initiatives

FutureBrand worked across the organisation through a series of in-depth interviews, co-creation sessions and an employee survey.  

National Breast Cancer Foundation's director of digital technology, Andrew Bachelard, said the not-for-profit wanted to ensure that the new brand definition incorporated its values.

"A distinctive and compelling brand is essential to help us fund more world-class research towards our vision of zero deaths from breast cancer," he said.

FutureBrand Australia CEO Rich Curtis said when you work with an organisation with as strong a purpose as the National Breast Cancer Foundation, it becomes all the more important that it shows up in the everyday experience.

"That's been our focus for engaging with people across the organisation, marketers and non-marketers alike, to develop a revitalised brand strategy that is credible in how it aligns with the Foundation's values – and incredible in how it enables those values to be even more impactful, both inside and out," he said.

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