Federal Budget - Free TV hails satellite funding

By AdNews | 10 May 2023
Bridget Fair

Free TV has welcomed the federal budget announcement to extend funding of the Viewer Access Satellite Television (VAST) satellite service until 2031.

The industry body said that VAST remains critical to delivering Free TV services in regional and remote Australia as well as other areas where terrestrial coverage is deficient, serving as an important source of local content, live and free sport, emergency information and trusted news.

VAST was introduced in 2010 to close the digital TV divide between regional and remote Australians and those living in cities, and to ensure that all Australians can access reliable free-to-air television services, even those in the most remote locations where satellite is the only viable means of service delivery.

Free TV CEO Bridget Fair said the announcement is fantastic news for the 1.5 million Australians who rely on the VAST satellite platform for their free television services.

"After years of temporary funding commitments, (communications) ministerRowland and the Albanese government have provided some much needed certainty," said Fair.

“We thank the Albanese government and minister Rowland in particular for their long-term commitment to ensuring that all Australians, regardless of where they live, can continue to come together to watch great Australian content on their televisions for free." 

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