External investigation into Nine’s ‘abusive’ newsroom culture

By AdNews | 28 May 2024
Credit: Ali Hajian via Unsplash.jpg

Nine Entertainment is launching an external review of its newsroom culture following allegations of abuse of power and “drunken, lecherous behaviour”. 

The media group will commission an independent review of the behaviours that had “damaged the trust and fairness” within television newsrooms.

“The recent reports that ­detail alleged serious failings of leadership in television news clearly tells me more work needs to be done to ensure we have a safe and inclusive workplace throughout Nine,” said CEO Mike Sneesby in an email to staff

This follows a report by the Sydney Morning Herald, a Nine title, about Darren Wick, the now former director of news and current affairs.

Sneesby said Nine doesn't ­tolerate inappropriate behaviour in the workplace.

The review will be "handled by an external firm and provide findings and advice on how we behave and how we can implement better systems and processes for the future".

Federal communications Minister Michelle Rowland has encouraged the media sector to “do better” in their management of internal complaints.

“The media sector has been highlighted in recent years as an area that needs improvement, I say that as someone where I work in a profession where standards need to be lifted as well,” Rowland told Sky News.

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