Enero CEO’s pay drops

Chris Pash
By Chris Pash | 17 September 2024
Brent Scrimshaw.

Brent Scrimshaw, the CEO of Enero, the owner of creative agency BMF, has seen his pay slide 15%.

The company’s annual report shows he received $1,725,327 in 2024, down from $2,002,994 the year before.

Of that his base pay was $846,762. The rest was made up mostly of short term incentives and share rights. 

Among local CEOs of stock exchange listed, Scrimshaw’s pay compares with peers.

Cathy O'Connor, the CEO of the biggest local outdoor media player oOh!media, was paid $2.1 million in 2023.

Former Seven West Media CEO James Warburton's final year pay was $1.2 million, down from the previous year's $1.3 million.

Over at Nine, departing CEO Mike Sneesby and his executive team lost some of their short term bonuses because the company didn’t hit its earnings target.

Sneesby was awarded only 22.5% of his short term incentive.

His total remuneration, calculated on an actual rather than statutory basis, came in at $2,125,136 for the year to June, more than $570,000 less than the previous year. 


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