Election 2022 – Instagram stickers to celebrate the federal election

Jason Pollock
By Jason Pollock | 9 May 2022
Phillip Goldsberry via Unsplash.

Meta, to coincide with the start of early voting, is rolling out a collection of election-themed stickers for Instagram, celebrating Australian democracy, commemorating the voting process and promoting civic participation. 

They will also link to the Australian Electoral Commission website for more authoritative information on the election and voting process. 

The stickers were designed by Australian artist and designer Frida Las Vegas, who took inspiration from Australian iconography. The stickers feature iconic Australian snacks, featuring the Pie and Vovo; democracy sausages; and ‘Have Your Say’ shaka.  

Vegas said: “I'm stoked to collaborate with Instagram on this sticker series celebrating Australia's right to vote in the 2022 Federal Election. It's important that Australians have our voices heard whilst playing with these bright, bold and fun graphics to share the message that every single vote counts!” 

Pie and Vovo.

Tom Rogers, Australian Electoral Commissioner said, “We’ve been working closely with Meta in the lead up to, and during, the 2022 federal election.  

“We’re very excited to see Australians using election-themed Instagram stickers and other Meta initiatives as a way to express positivity and pride about participating in Australian democracy.” 

All three stickers will be visible at the top of the Instagram Stories Sticker Tray, providing another feature for Australians to use in the over one million Instagram Stories they share every day. 

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