Dove calls for a national inquiry into body image via PHD, FORWARD and POLY

By AdNews | 11 May 2023

Dove has partnered with Butterfly Foundation to call for a national inquiry to bring about real change to harmful body ideals in Australia.

The first of its kind multi-channel campaign features advertising that visually evolves as more Australians sign the petition.

The campaign created with PHD Australia and FORWARD aims to address the issue of body dissatisfaction in Australia after recent research commissioned by Dove revealed that more than half of Australian girls (58%) are dissatisfied with their overall appearance.

Christine Weatherby, Dove marketing manager Australia said this call for a national body image inquiry in partnership with Butterfly Foundation is the next necessary step to understand the reality and impact of body dissatisfaction in Australia.

"Industry codes, policies and programs can be put in place to reduce the potential for harm within online and real-world environments, and to protect and support the body image of children, young people and adults," said Weatherby.

"Dove is calling for all Australians to sign the petition, increase awareness of this issue and ultimately drive change for young Australians impacted by body dissatisfaction. For every name added to the campaign, it takes us one step closer to succeeding in creating change.”

Running across video, social, outdoor, influencer marketing and PR, the campaign forms the second phase of Dove’s #DetoxYourFeed platform, launched earlier this year.

Mitchell Long, PHD’s national head of strategy said given the fact that the last time a call for an inquiry into body image was in 2009 - before many of today’s big social media apps even existed - PHD and FORWARD saw a genuine need for inquiry.

"To motivate action, a core part of our strategy was to visualise our progress as more Australians sign the petition in order to rally others to get behind the cause," said Long.

Dove and PHD engaged POLY, oOh! Media’s creative and innovation hub to bring the idea to life across iconic outdoor digital screens with responsive ads hosting a live tally that in turn evolves the artwork as more Australians sign the petition.

The outdoor campaign features a live dynamic counter that invites people to sign the petition via a QR code.

The creative is built upon Dove’s existing TVC of a girl on her mobile viewing toxic beauty advice which appears to be negatively impacting her self-esteem.

As more people sign the petition, the number of toxic social tiles displayed decreases, enabling supporters to witness their impact and remove toxic advice from the girl’s feed in real-time.

The executions will be supported on ground with brand ambassadors engaging the public to discuss and consider signing the petition.

Neil Ackland, chief content, marketing & creative officer, oOh! said as a creative and innovation hub, its pushed the boundaries to engage audiences via Out of Home and show them the impact of their support in real-time.

"It’s thrilling to see how technology can be used to drive social and political change. Dove’s campaign is a testament to POLY’s creativity and passion for innovation," said Ackland.



Unilever ANZ

Dove Marketing Manager ANZ, Christine Weatherby and Kate Westgate

Dove Assistant Brand Manager, Mone Go

Head of Personal Care and Beauty & Wellbeing ANZ, John McKeon

Media & Digital Hub Director, Sarah Sorrenson

Senior Media and Brand Engagement Manager ANZ, Alison Holland

Digital & Data Manager, Maria Gudino

Digital & Data Assistant Manager, Ella Regalado

Legal Lead, Peter Kuschow

Senior Communications Consultant, Jessie Davis


Butterfly Foundation

Melissa Wilton, Head of Communications & Engagement

Sarah Squire, Head of Knowledge, Research and Policy

Danni Rowland, Head of Prevention

Zoe Bradbury, Digital Content Coordinator



National Head of Strategy, Mitchell Long

Group Business Director, Ali Jones

Business Director, Punesh Han

Co-Head Of Investment, Emma Wood

Investment Director, Christine Chen

Investment Manager, Mikeah Irving

Activation Executive, Jasmine Joseph



Founder & Managing Director, Fergus Kibble

General Manager, Caroline Lovejoy

Group Account Director, Eleni Gavalas

Account Manager, Ainslie Lambourne

Senior Account Executive, Monica Nishizaki



Creative Director, Peter Galmes

Art Director, Ella Trengove

Motion Designer, Michael Ong

Production Director, Richard Moore

Digital Producer, Zoe Chan-Iverach


oOh! Media CMC technology

Concept feasibility, Ian Grant

Concept feasibility and support, William Littlefield

Development delivery, Michelle Su

Consulting tech lead, Mark Passlow

Lead developer, Luke Haillay

Backend developer, Ramesh Bhatta


Further collaborating partners

oOh! media, Scentre Group, Meta, Google, TikTok

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