Does weird advertising work? Creatives weigh in

Lindsay Bennett
By Lindsay Bennett | 28 February 2017

This is a free excerpt from the AdNews February issue. To read the whole feature download a digital version of AdNews or subscribe to the premium print edition here.

Advertisers know that to make an ad stick, it needs to pull out all the stops. Sometimes, it means making something truly weird. That challenge can take advertisers to brilliant places or it can end up as a giant flop. Here's what Leo Burnett's Sarah Parris, Ikon's Rob Martin-Murphy and The Hallway's Siobhan Coleman thought of some of 2016's wonderful weird ads. 

1. Meat Your Match - Carnivore Club, McCann Queensland

2. Roll Home with a Chiko - Chiko, Cummins&Partners Melbourne

 3. V Skills - V Energy Drink, TKT Sydney 

4. Puppymonkeybaby - Mountain Dew, BBDO New York

5. This Unicorn Changed the Way I Poop - Squatty Potty, Harmon Brothers

Creative Choice


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