Digital audience measurement currency Ipsos iris set to launch in March

By AdNews | 21 February 2023
Image supplied by IAB.

Ipsos and IAB Australia today announced that the new industry digital audience measurement currency Ipsos iris will be launched in early March after securing official endorsement by IAB Australia’s Board and Measurement Council. 

Ipsos iris provides accurate data about the number of people who visit the content of digital publishers and platforms, along with the frequency of visits and time spent by tracking digital audience behaviour across desktop/laptop, smartphone, and tablets. 

It uses a hybrid methodology that combines metered data from a high quality, nationally representative, single-source passive panel with site-centric census measurement via media owner tagging.  

Ipsos iris is fully privacy compliant and cross-media ready and will continue to evolve with a roadmap of enhancements over 2023 and beyond. It will also be adaptable to changing requirements as the industry develops in future years. 

The first step will be CTV audience currency integration from a data partnership with OzTAM to provide total (unduplicated) digital audience currency data for CTV, smartphones, tablets, and computers.

The launch of Ipsos iris is the culmination of work by the IAB and its Measurement Council that commenced in early 2021 with a strategic review of industry requirements. Ipsos was awarded the IAB’s endorsement, having best met the standards on criteria across all areas of product along with criteria for operations and a future roadmap. 

Ipsos ANZ CEO, Simon Wake, said, “Built from the ground up in collaboration with the IAB, Ipsos iris is a robust, transparent, and inclusive standardised currency, which leads the world in independent audience measurement. 

“Ipsos iris will provide a level playing field for comparison of audience reach and characteristics and is an independent source of truth for the media industry.

“Ipsos iris in Australia draws upon the innovations of the UK model, that is fully privacy compliant and that will continue to evolve with enhancements. Ipsos will continue to work with the IAB to develop new metrics to provide additional ways for media owners to demonstrate the unique attributes of their properties and help commercialisation of their content.”

IAB CEO, Gai Le Roy, said: “Ipsos iris will provide the market with a level playing field in terms of comparison of audience size and characteristics, offering greater confidence to advertisers for media planning decisions and where to invest their budgets. It will also provide a pathway to cross-platform and cross-media measurement solutions for the industry into the future.” 

Ipsos iris has been the digital audience currency in the UK since January 2021 and recently announced that its contract has been extended until 2027. Ipsos iris has been adopted across the UK publisher and agency ecosystem. 

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