Dettol named most trusted brand in Australia

By AdNews | 27 May 2024

Dettol has been named Australia's most trusted brand by Reader’s Digest Australia.

Band-Aid, Cadbury, Bunnings and Dulux rounded out the top five, with Cancer Council (sunscreen), Bridgestone, Panadol, Toyota and Bega in the top 10.

In other categories, The Royal Flying Doctor Service was selected as the most trusted charity, while Bunnings also took out the Most Iconic brand.

Reader’s Digest Australia commissioned market research agency Catalyst to conduct an independent stand-alone survey of more than 4,000 Australians and reviewing nearly 70 different categories.  

Catalyst Research director Cameron Gentle said the category winners share a key common trait - they consistently deliver on their promise.

"People have an expectation of what they’re going to get, and the particular product or organisation delivers what they’re after. Time and again," he said.

“And the other key thing to note is that the people who were surveyed nominated these brands, unprompted – that is to say without any trigger lists of suggested candidates - in each category.  So it’s a very clear reflection of the market sentiment at the time of polling.”

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