Dentsu Queensland partners with Tourism and Events Queensland 

Jason Pollock
By Jason Pollock | 17 November 2022
Image supplied by Tourism and Events Queensland.

Dentsu Queensland has today announced it has been successful in its tender for the Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ) media account, following a competitive pitch process. 

The partnership will see dentsu Queensland manage the media strategy and planning for the TEQ Brand and key projects, as well as powering TEQ’s innovative offering, IMATE, the organisation’s Industry Media Agency which supports tourism and event businesses across the state. 

Chris Ernst, MD of dentsu Queensland, said: “We are a proud Queensland business committed to doing work that is good for people, good for business and good for society.  

“Partnering with TEQ to drive prosperity for Queensland businesses across the wider state is something that every person in our organisation is absolutely thrilled to be a part of.” 

Michael Branaghgroup executive of marketing for TEQ, said: “We undertook an extensive process and we’re incredibly excited to work with dentsu Queensland, who have shown a strong understanding of Brand Queensland and our ambition for it.  

“They are committed to growing Queensland’s visitor economy and showed real innovation in meeting our strategic goals for the brand, and also for our state’s wider tourism and events industry. 

The success caps off a successful year for dentsu Queensland that saw the agency secure partnerships with Amazonia and The Brisbane Heat, and retained and extended partnerships with The Coffee Club, Great Southern Bank, Aveo, the 2 Foundation Education Group, contributing to double digit growth for dentsu Queensland in revenue, employee engagement, and market NPS. 

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