DDB's new Melbourne group CEO

By AdNews | 3 June 2024
Khia Croy and Mike Napolitano

DDB Melbourne managing director Mike Napolitano has been promoted to Melbourne group CEO.

Napolitano, who joined from TBWA to DDB in 2020 as group managing director, will continue leading the DDB Group in Melbourne including brands DDB, Tribal, Rapp and Mango.

During his time at DDB new client wins include Coles, New Balance, Dulux, Movember, and multiple government accounts.

Napolitano will report to regional CEO Andrew Little and his appointment is effective immediately.

Little said he is incredibly proud of Napolitano and the whole team for what they have achieved in the last few years.

"Mike is a brilliant leader who not only runs the Melbourne group businesses but contributes significantly to our other leaders and businesses across the region," Little said.

"This is a very popular decision and is most deserved.”

Napolitano said it's a great privilege to lead this amazing team in Melbourne.

"We've all worked hard on making the experience of being here at DDB Group Melbourne one of the best in the industry and that’s true for our people and our clients," Napolitano said.

"There is still so much potential in our team and I'm excited and committed to working with the hugely talented leadership group to grow people's careers and grow our clients’ brands through the creative power of our business.

"I truly have one of the best jobs in the industry.”

This promotion follows the appointment this month of Khia Croy as DDB Melbourne’s new general manager.

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