DDB Melbourne wins ACCIONA Energía

By AdNews | 2 September 2024

DDB Melbourne has been appointed lead creative agency to sustainable solutions company ACCIONA Energía Australia.

Agencies were not involved in a traditional pitch, with ACCIONA Energía instead consulting with agencies to design a process that reflects their ideal way of working.

After consultation, the pitch process included a brief Q&A on the brand's needs as well as a short collaborative working session where agencies showcased thinking and collaborative approaches in real-time.

ACCIONA Energía's brand and digital lead, Hien Pham, said DDB Melbourne impressed the company through a series of thoughtful conversations that showcased the agency's deep understanding of the project and brand.

"Their team's approach, unified under a strong creative leader, stood out throughout the process," said Pham.

DDB Melbourne's group ECD, Psembi Kinstan, said the agency continues to work with more clients in the sustainability sector.

The agency is excited to use commercial creativity to champion ACCIONA Energía.

"There are some very, very exciting projects to be announced soon," said Kinstan.

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