Danielle St. George becomes MD of Benedictus Media

By AdNews | 25 September 2024
Danielle St. George and Phil Benedictus.

Independent media agency Benedictus Media has named Danielle St. George managing director.

St. George will take over leadership of the agency with a focus on driving the next stage of Benedictus Media’s evolution.

With St. George’s arrival, Phil Benedictus is stepping down as CEO to focus on business development, while continuing to drive forward the agency’s focus on reducing environmental impact and championing sustainability in advertising.

With over 16 years of industry experience, St. George recently returned to the media world after taking a career break to travel around Australia.

Prior to this, she was head of operations at Havas Media Network, having taken on the role when independent agency HYLAND, where she was GM, was acquired by the holding group in 2020.

Benedictus said that for some time, he has wanted to bring in a more dynamic leader with fresh thinking to run the agency.

“Danielle brings a winning Indie growth mindset allied with invaluable experience from the top end of town and a passion for nature and sustainability, giving her a unique perspective on structuring our agency for future success. Already she has raised the bar,” he said.

St. George said she wasn’t sure if diving back into the media agency world was the path she wanted to take until she met Benedictus and the team.

"From the first interaction, I was instantly reinvigorated," she said.

"The agency is living proof that we can be better as an industry, by respecting the human experience and the environment alike to deliver better outcomes not only for our clients, but for people and the planet."

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