Customer insights platform Ideally raises $2.15m

By AdNews | 9 November 2023
Joshua Nu’u-Steele, Brendan Cervin, James Donald.

Customer insights platform Ideally has raised $2.15 million in seed investment led by Icehouse Ventures alongside Brand Fund 1.

The cash is being used to expands services within Australasia and hire key staff.

Ideally, incubated by TRA Labs and Previously Unavailable, rapidly test concepts, ideas and messages with a target audience and receive answers overnight. The platform is self-service, using built-in generative AI to discover patterns and reveal opportunities.

“Six months ago Ideally was just a concept, today we’re helping grow the ideas of some of Australasia’s most innovative businesses," says CEO and co-founder James Donald.

"Icehouse Ventures investment will help us significantly dial up that growth even further, and lay strong foundations for big global ambitions."

Clara Lee, head of strategy, planning and insights ANZ at global food manufacturer Danone Nutricia, says Ideally has liberated the ideation process for the brand’s creative team.

“Ideally encourages teams to be bold and put ideas out there and see what comes back, then having a few goes at it. It allows our team the freedom to play a little bit more,” says Lee.

“Every marketer wants that get-out-of-jail clause to test their ideas, and Ideally provides that with its low cost of entry. The fact we can easily upload the testing material ourselves and get results back all within 24 hours is a game changer in the demanding business world in which we operate.”

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